How To Best Celebrate Holy Week as Your Own Personal Tradition?

This article will explore the ways in which you can best celebrate Holy Week as your own personal tradition. We have all heard of the Holy Week, but what is it?

Driving through Valley of the Gods
Valley of the Gods (Utah)

What is Holy Week?

Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter. It starts with Palm Sunday and ends with Easter Sunday.

Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus entering Jerusalem on a donkey while being cheered by the people. The next day, Maundy Thursday or Holy Thursday is a day of fasting and prayer in preparation for Good Friday, which is a day of fasting and remembrance of Jesus' death on the cross.

Beautiful Chapel of Holy Cross
Chapel of Holy Cross  (Arizona)

Good Friday is a somber day commemorating Jesus' death on the cross while observing the traditional fast. On Holy Saturday, Christians celebrate Christ's resurrection from the dead with prayers and songs. Finally, Easter Sunday marks Jesus' resurrection from the dead, celebrated by Christians all around the world with joyous celebrations.

Colorful tulips
Spring time, tulip time, Easter time - Washington

Holy Week celebrations are also known as "Semana Santa" or "Passiontide." It begins on Palm Sunday, which is the first day of Holy Week. The week concludes with Easter Sunday, which marks Jesus Christ's triumph over sin and death. The celebration of this event has been observed for centuries. all over the world. How can you celebrate Holy Week as your own personal tradition?

Chapel of Holy Cross
Chapel of the Holy Cross (Arizona)
Meditation Chapel
Meditation Chapel  (Oregon)

He Has Risen - (Oregon)

Holy Week Rituals You Can Use Within Your Own Life This Year

The Holy Week is the week leading up to Easter. It is a very important week for Christians, where they celebrate Jesus Christ's death and resurrection.

It is a time of reflection and renewal. It is also a time of celebrating the victory of life over death, with hope for the future.

Coming back to life - Be Still  (New Mexico)

This year, you can use some of these rituals within your own life to help you through this Holy Week, to deepen your faith and make the holidays special for you.

List of Rituals

  1. Start each day with a prayer
  2. Light a candle at nighttime
  3. Attend Mass on Easter Sunday, remembering the events of Holy Week
  4. Light a candle in honor of Jesus, who is risen and returned to heaven
  5. Fast from food or drink from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday or until you have time for a meal with family. 
    Cute Red Church in the woods
    Little Red Chapel in the woods  (Oregon)

  6. Make a pilgrimage this Easter to a spot of importance in your faith journey.
  7. Remember the suffering and death of Jesus on Good Friday and the joyous awakening on Easter morning as you partake in your favorite foods, drink, or perform an act that is fun or humorous such as playing music, dancing, swinging in a hammock...
  8. Spend time with loved ones. Your family, friends, and significant other are all there to support you during this difficult time in your life so take advantage of it! 
  9. Take a break from school or work during the week and give yourself some down time. You deserve it!
  10. Read your prayer book and make sure you spend time with God. Even if it's just for five minutes a day.
  11. Meditate, pray, or reflect on the events around Holy Week and what it means to you.
  12. Do something that you have never done before. You could explore a new hobby or try something that scares you. 
  13. Take a risk and challenge yourself. Have you ever done anything outside of your comfort zone?
  14. Reflect on the season and try to find something new to learn about it.

Driving through the valley of the gods
Valley of the Gods (Utah)

Filipino Shrine called Dambana
Dambana - The Filipino Shrine (Oregon)

Walking into Easter with a More Grounded Faith

There are many ways to celebrate Easter. One way is to reflect on your faith in Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that he made for you. Easter is a celebration of life, of hope, and of new beginnings. It’s a time to think about how Jesus was raised from the dead so that we can have eternal life with him. It’s also a time to think about how our lives will never be the same again because we have been given this gift of life through Jesus Christ. .

Heart shape colorful tulips

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