Mighty Yukon River trips Wonderful Adventures with My two Dogs

We have visited Yukon River twice in Yukon Territory where the river starts its journey in Canada through Alaska.  We also crossed the Yukon River Bridge on Dalton highway. The only bridge in Alaska that crosses the mighty Yukon river.  We had an amazing trips with my  two dogs.

The mighty Yukon River

The longest and largest river that runs through Alaska from Yukon Territory, Canada. The river is approximately 1900 miles long and it ends in the Bering sea. The river brings a lot of salmon during fishing season in Alaska.  Yukon means "Great River" in Gwich'in.

sign of Yukon River and the bridge across the river in Yukon Territory Canada
Yukon River in Yukon Territory, Canada. A 606 miles away from home in Fairbanks, Alaska

My two dogs

  • Abby 
  • Farky
Both Abby and Farky are now gone and all I have left of them was memories. Our wonderful Adventures together. They both love water. If I let them, they'll spend hours playing and swimming in the water. 

Bridge across Yukon River in Yukon Territory Canada
It was a long trip and both my dogs, Abby and Farky, had to swim in Yukon River at Yukon Territory, Canada

Lady at the start of Yukon River in Yukon Territory
I think what's behind me is some kind of a damn, I'm not sure. Just below the bridge. 

The Mighty Yukon River Bridge on Dalton Highway

It is a long drive to get here approximately 137 miles away from Fairbanks, Alaska. On the other side of the bridge is The Yukon River Camp. They have fuel, food, lodging and gifts. We looked around the area and then went down to the boat ramp and had my dogs played in the water for a little bit. 

Yukon River Bridge is the only bridge that crosses the mighty Yukon River in Alaska

Yukon River bridge in Alaska on Dalton highway
The Yukon River Bridge on the Dalton Highway
The color of the water is way different from where it started

Yukon River and Bridge in Dalton highway Alaska
Yukon River Bridge on Dalton Highway Alaska. The only bridge that crosses the Yukon River in Alaska and also it carries a pipeline across.

Lady and her dog at Yukon river in Alaska
Trips with my dogs, Abby and Farky. All I have left of them are memories. 

Map of the trip on Yukon River
Map of our trip from two bridges.  The bridge in Yukon Territory Canada to Yukon River Bridge in Alaska

Map of the trip from Fairbanks to Yukon River bridge in Dalton Highway
Map going to the Yukon River Bridge on Dalton Highway from my home in Fairbanks, Alaska 
(about 137 miles away)

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