Winter Drive to Anchorage From Fairbanks

Day after Christmas, my family and I took a winter drive to Anchorage on the Parks highway. It's about 360 miles from Fairbanks to Anchorage. When we left home it was -18 degree Fahrenheit at around 10:35 a.m. gloomy and cold. When we arrived in Anchorage the temperature was 14 degrees Fahrenheit should be a lot warmer but the wind made it very cold. Cold to the bone. Oh I love Alaska!

Just outside Fairbanks. It was cloudy but at least it wasn't snowy nor windy

Bridge in Nenana - about 56 miles from Fairbanks

Three Bears store in Healy - about 112 miles from Fairbanks
Tatlanika Bridge

Train Bridge to the right

Denali Townsite is like a ghost town.  Nothings opened and even traffic lights were covered.  About 123 miles from Fairbanks

Welcome to Cantwell about 152 miles from Fairbanks

You must have blinked - Cantwell
Very windy most of the way 

At least part of the way the sun gave us great show. I love the color of the sky this time of year here in Alaska

Wind blows crazy from Healy all the way to Anchorage

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