Happy Easter

I got invited to attend 3 services on 3 churches tomorrow all at the same time. I don't know which one I should go, maybe I should just go to my regular church. I don't know yet, I'll see about it tomorrow.
Anyway, this are little something from work.
I came back from lunch and found this tulips on my counter. I was wondering who it came from because there was no note or something. At first I thought, could it be from one of my admirers? (I'm admirable after all :)  Anyway, after few minutes of pondering and wondering, Andrea (A/P Supervisor) came and added two eggs on the side of the flowers and thats when I find out it was from her. She's so sweet, bless her heart. She went through all that trouble coloring the eggs and the next thing she knows, they're gone. One egg added to my high cholesterol and I gave the other one to someone who saw me eating the egg. 
This card is from my dear sweet friend, Norma. I'm so glad to be her friend.
Ok, so this one is from Cindy (University Park Elem. Sch. Kitchen Manager) she always write me something on her deposit slip. She's really nice. I'm always looking forward for her deposits because she does crack me up sometimes. 
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