What is Depression and Anxiety Disorders and how to deal with it

Sun shining through the trees in the yard
The sun will always shine

We all know that depression is a mental illness that affects the way you think, feel and act. But did you know that it can also affect the way you eat?

Depression is a complex mental illness. It can cause a person to lose interest in things they used to enjoy, have difficulty concentrating and remembering details, and have low energy levels. Depression can also make it difficult for people to sleep well or to control their weight.

Beautiful Blown glass on an autumn day
Get out, be inspired, and get creative

Understanding Depression and Anxiety Disorders

Depression and Anxiety disorders are not uncommon in the modern world. The prevalence of these mental health disorders is high, with 1 in 10 people suffering from depression and anxiety. But what are these illnesses? How do they manifest themselves? And how can we help those who suffer from them?

Depression is a mood disorder that can be triggered by a variety of factors such as genetics, chemical imbalances, stress, or trauma. Symptoms of depression include feeling sad or hopeless, having low energy levels, changes in sleep patterns (either sleeping too much or not enough), changes in appetite (either eating too much or not at all), feelings of guilt and worthlessness, thoughts about death or suicide. In some cases, symptoms may even worsen over time to the point where it becomes difficult to work and socialize with others.

The symptoms of anxiety are similar to those for depression but they are more acute when it comes to feelings of panic and fear, not as much with sadness or hopelessness. The main difference between anxiety and depression is that anxiety symptoms are typically more frequent and of a more intense nature, whereas depression symptoms can be less sudden but last for a longer period of time. 

Depression and anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health disorders in the United States, estimated to affect about one-third of the population at some point in their life. People often experience both conditions simultaneously or consecutively. 

Anxiety Disorders are characterized by the presence of excessive worry, which interferes with normal life and causes impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning. People with anxiety disorders can experience such symptoms as restlessness, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and muscle tension.

Beautiful Sunset, flowers and walking path
A walk even if it's short walk  can do you good

What Type of Anxiety & Depression Are You Facing?

Anxiety disorders are characterized by feelings of worry, fear, or unease.

Depression is a mood disorder that includes feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness.

The first step to overcoming your anxiety or depression is to identify it. The following list can help you identify the type of anxiety or depression you are facing.

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder: You may feel anxious about many things in your life and have trouble controlling your worries.
  • Panic Disorder: You may experience panic attacks or feel an intense sense of terror without any obvious cause. 
  • Social Phobia: You may be afraid to do things in front of other people because you fear they will judge you negatively. 
  • Specific Phobia: You may be afraid of specific things like spiders, heights, flying, etc., and have an intense fear reaction when faced with them. 
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): You may have unwanted thoughts that you feel the need to do over and over again in order to prevent bad things from happening.
  • Major Depressive Disorder: You may experience sadness, hopelessness, and emptiness in your life.

Tea kettle and cup full
"Tea is Therapy" have a cup or two

Natural Remedies for Depression & Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are both mental health conditions that can cause a person to feel stressed and overwhelmed. 

Natural Remedies for Depression & Anxiety include: 

  • Vitamin B12,
  • CBD oil, 
  • GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid), 
  • L-Theanine, and 
  • MCT Oil.
Vitamin B12 - Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that helps to maintain a healthy nervous system. It is also an important source of energy in the brain. There are many benefits of Vitamin B 12 supplements, including helping to improve the mood and reduce depression. There is also a B12 deficiency that can lead to anemia.

CBD Oil - CBD oil is a compound of cannabidiol (CBD) that has shown to have therapeutic effects on many conditions, including some forms of anxiety and depression.

Cell GABA - GABA, or gamma aminobutyric acid, is an amino acid derived from protein-containing foods such as red meat and poultry with functions similar to those of the neurotransmitter, glutamate. GABA is also responsible for inhibiting the function of neurons that produce and release excitatory neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

L-Theanine - L-Theanine is a chemical found in green tea extract which offers many benefits for those who have anxiety and depression. It has been shown to improve mood, lower anxiety levels, and help people cope with their stress better. 

MCT Oil - MCT oil or medium-chain triglycerides are a type of fatty acid that is commonly found in foods such as coconut and palm oils. They have been shown to have positive effects on the body including increased cognitive function, improved mood, and decreased susceptibility to disease.

Clouds, rivers, blue sky, people
Get out and do an activity or just simply watching people enjoying the day

Chapter 4 - Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Depression And Anxiety (CBT-D)

CBT-D is a form of therapy that is used to help people who are experiencing depression, anxiety, or other mental health disorders by teaching them about the thought processes that contribute to their problems.

CBT-D was created in the 1970s by a psychologist named David A. Clark and it has been used to treat a wide range of conditions such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

It has also been shown to be helpful for people who are experiencing chronic pain, addiction, and stress related problems. CBT-D is often recommended for those who are not responding well to antidepressants or other medications.

Beautiful little purple flowers by marina
Stop and smell the flowers

 A List of Actions To Take For Yourself And Others in Your Life

Depression and anxiety are serious mental illnesses that affect people of all ages and backgrounds.

It is important to know how to deal with depression and anxiety because it can be a major obstacle in someone's life.

There are many ways to deal with depression, but here are five of the most effective ways:

1) Talk about your feelings

2) Get involved in activities you enjoy

3) Spend time with friends or family

4) Practice self-care

Conclusion: Find What Works best for You

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Never Give Up 
In Every Sunset there's Always a Sunrise

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