How does a Squirrel steal?
When it's raining, and both dogs and cat are inside the house, then there's no one out there to bother him. This black squirrel was at the bird feeder for more than half an hour. He got the feeder to moved counter clockwise for several times, I guess to loosen things up, I think he's trying to get peanuts out of it.
He squeezed his head down for more
When he got tired of squeezing his head down or turning the feeder, he walked around it as if he was missing something from the other side.
Finally, as soon as he was done eating and left, the birds took over.
He squeezed his head down for more
When he got tired of squeezing his head down or turning the feeder, he walked around it as if he was missing something from the other side.
Finally, as soon as he was done eating and left, the birds took over.