And Now My Lifesong Sings

I once was lost but now I'm found - Not because I have a cellphone with GPS tracking device in it but because by the grace of God, I'm found.
I once was blind but now I see - I see that God never changes, his faithfulness endures forever. When I stop focusing on my self,  I see the miracles and grace of God happens everywhere all the time.
I once was dead but now I live - (I'm not a zombie) Thank you Lord for the cross. And now my life to you I give.
And now let my lifesongs sing to you...

I will be posting about songs that meant something to me. . I have joined the challenge of posting everyday except Sunday from A-Z. Wish me luck.

And now my lifesong sing - by Casting Crown.
That's me taking the Christmas light off the tree.

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