W - List of Low Glycemic Index
Glycemic Index measures the carbohydrates in a particular food based on how quickly the carbohydrates raises blood sugar and insulin levels.
Low GI = 55 or less - Eat more
Low GI = 55 or less - Eat more
Medium GI = 56 to 69 eat moderately
High GI = 70 above - Eat less or avoid if you can.
W - list of low GI
Walnuts = 15
White beans = 31
Whole wheat bread, stone ground = 53
Wheat and rye bread = 40
Wheat dried noodle = 46
Wheat tortilla = 30
Wheat whole kernels = 42
White chocolate mousse bar = 40
White boiled potato = 54
Wholemeal rye bread = 41
Wild berry dried fruit snack = 35
Wild oats cluster crunch hazelnut chocolate cereal = 43
Whole wheat bread = 69
White rice, long grain =56
Wheat thins = 67
White yam = 62
Wholemeal = 69
White bread = 85
Whole wheat flour = 71
White rice, short grain = 72
White bread = 70
Waffles = 76
Water crackers = 78
Watermelon = 72
Weetabix cereal = 75
Waxy = 88
Wheat bread, Einkorn = 71
Wheat fresh noodle = 82
Wheat-bites cereal = 72
White bread, frozen and defrosted = 75